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Doctors & Staff

Meet the experienced and friendly doctors and staff who make EyeCare Center of Mexico the leading provider of vision care products and services in Mexico.

Dr. Brandi Coleman

Brandi Coleman joined our practice in December of 2003 and currently sees patients in our locations at Mexico, Camden, and Oneida. A Mohawk Valley native, Dr. Coleman grew up in Verona where she attended the VVS schools. She graduated Magna Cum Laude from St. John Fisher College, receiving her Bachelor of Science degree in biology and a minor in chemistry.

Dr. Coleman is a graduate of the Indiana University School of Optometry where she graduated in the top of her class. She specialized in ocular disease during her externships and completed clinical internships in primary care, contact lens, low vision, in addition to  pediatrics & vision therapy. Dr. Coleman was a member of the International Optometric Honor Society and was awarded the Vision Service Plan Scholarship for excellence in the area of primary care. She currently divides her time between the Mexico, Camden, and  Oneida offices.

Dr. Coleman is a resident of Brewerton where she enjoys her free time with her husband Sean, and four children Riley, Luke, Sage and Reese.

Dr. Coleman currently practices in the Mexico, Camden, and Oneida Offices.


Chelsey is a very important member of our staff in many ways. Chelsey came to us with valuable experience and knowledge in the optical field. In her position as office manager, she devotes many hours to the daily activities of Camden, Mexico, & Oneida to ensure that everything works smoothly in each office. Any questions that you have concerning billing, insurance, or special needs can be answered by Chelsey. Under Dr. Poulin’s supervision she has completed an apprenticeship program to become a NYS Licensed Optician. She’s also American Board of Opticianry certified, is a graduate and Fellow of the National Academy of Opticianry. Chelsey owns and operates the EyeCare Center of Mexico. She puts the needs of the office first and foremost and isn’t afraid of rolling up her sleeves and doing what needs to be done. Chelsey’s great personality and professionalism are indispensable to our office! Chelsey and her husband, Brian, reside in Camden with their children Sophia & Samuel.


Susan is currently serving as our Front Desk Coordinator. She is the first person you will speak to when you call or stop in to our Mexico office. Her duties include scheduling appointments, billing insurances, and handling any questions that you may have regarding your visit to our office.


Our Optometric Technician, currently works in our Camden & Mexico offices.  She performs pre-tests to assist the Doctors during your eye health examination; which include Visual Field Screening, Fundus Photography, Auto-Refract and Visual Acuities.  With her warm smile, friendliness & compassion towards patients will certainly put you at ease.